
John Toner and Yuhai Tu showed that the formation of these structures is an example of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Vicsek (“VEE-check”) model. These structures inspired the development of a metaheuristic algorithm that started out with just two rules: velocity matching and “craziness.” Craig Reynolds proposed that each member of these structures obeys (15[1])rules for separation, alignment, and cohesion in his boids model. Stochastic diffusion (15[1])search belongs to a field of artificial intelligence that uses the dynamics of these (15[1])self-organized (15[1])structures to solve optimization problems. (15[1])The (*) lateral line organ (10[1])enables the formation of these structures, (10[1])especially in the absence of visual information. A murmuration is one of these structures. (10[1])The mixed-species type of these structures enables some species to forage while others act as sentinels. For 10 points, name these emergent (-5[1])structures (-5[1])that are formed by the collective motion of animals. ■END■ (10[3]0[1])

ANSWER: flocks [or flocking; accept swarms or swarming or swarm intelligence or particle swarm optimization; accept schools or schooling; accept herds; accept shoals or shoaling; accept colonies of ants, bees, termites, or other animals; prompt on descriptions of groups of animals that move together, such as birds flying or fish swimming, until “animals” is read; prompt on collective motion until read; prompt on self-organized structures until “self-organized” is read; prompt on biological aggregates or biological aggregation]
<IC, Other Science (Mixed/Any)>
= Average correct buzz position

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