
This event may have been a response to its target getting declared an orphan to discharge his father’s debts. In 2021, Johns Hopkins’s Yitzhak Melamed was barred from filming a documentary about this event (15[1])in a statement labeling its subject an epicouros. (-5[1])A David Ives play about this event (0[1])cuts from an interrogation to a tavern scene featuring the music teacher Clara Van den Enden. (-5[1])This event occurred 17 years after a similar one in which Uriel da Costa was forced to symbolically lie down in a doorway. (15[1])Steven (*) Nadler argued that this event was prompted by a man’s rejection of the immortality of the soul. (-5[1])In this event, its target received a writ of herem (10[1])(“HAIR-em”) condemning his “monstrous deeds,” forcing him to take up a career in lens-grinding. For 10 points, (10[1])identify this (10[1])1656 event, in which the author of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (10[2])was ostracized from the Jewish (10[2]-5[1])community of Amsterdam. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: excommunication of Baruch Spinoza [accept synonyms like explusion in place of “excommunication”]
<CK, Other Academic>
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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1292%17%33%125.36