
A singer in this language had the cover of her album Índia banned by her country’s (15[1])government and used psych rock elements in songs like “Baby” from her 1969 debut album. An expression in this language (-5[1])meaning “silence, there’s about to be a song” is associated with so-called “houses” for a genre popularized by a singer dubbed its “Queen.” Rita Lee (15[1])and a singer named Gal were among the artists in this language who recreated the Sgt. Pepper’s cover for a 1968 album whose subtitle misspells the Latin phrase for “bread and (*) circuses.” (10[3])In 2023, a Volkswagen ad used (10[1])AI to resurrect Elis Regina, (10[1])the female vocalist in this language on (-5[1])the definitive version of “Waters of March.” A word in this language, whose Creole (10[1])equivalent titles the signature song of the “Barefoot Diva” Cesária Évora, is (10[1])translated as “blues” in a jazz (10[1])standard by Tom Jobim. (10[1])For 10 points, name this language used in fado and bossa nova. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Portuguese [or português; accept Brazilian Portuguese or português brasileiro] (The singer mentioned in the first line is Gal Costa. The original Portuguese expression is “silêncio que se vai cantar o fado,” which is said at casas de fado. Amália Rodrigues was dubbed the “Queen of Fado.” The 1968 album is Tropicália: ou Panis et Circencis. The word is “saudade” or “sodade.”)
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