
In one paper, this thinker described metaphysicians as “musicians without musical ability.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author of “The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language.” Quine’s “Two Dogmas” claims that this philosopher had a project of translating discourse into “sense-datum language.”
ANSWER: Rudolf Carnap
[10h] Eli Hirsch advocates this “neo-Carnapian” stance on metaphysics, which is influenced by James Urmson’s dictum. This view posits that two ontological languages with the same truth-values have the same ontological value.
ANSWER: quantifier variance
[10e] In outlining quantifier variance, Hirsch moved away from a Carnapian principle of logic without morals, named for this concept. John Locke wrote a letter on this topic to Philipp van Limborch.
ANSWER: tolerance [or religious tolerance; or word forms like toleration; accept A Letter Concerning Toleration]
<JG, Philosophy>

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