
Edmond Jabès answered the question “what is the story of this book?” with “becoming aware of” one of these things in his esoteric long poem The Book of Questions. For 10 points each:
[10m] Joyce Mansour’s first collection is titled for what things? A poem by Andrei Voznesensky describes a “darkmother” one of these things, and Yevgeny Yevtusheko claimed to be a “massive, soundless” one in “Babi Yar.”
ANSWER: screams [or cris; or krik; accept cry or screech; accept “darkmotherscream”]
[10h] Jabès and Mansour were Jewish poets from this city’s surrealist scene. In this city, Georges Henein (“ha-NAYN”) used the motto “long live degenerate art!” for the surrealist Art et Liberté group.
[10e] Translations of Mansour’s poetry are collected in a book titled for “Emerald” examples of these features. Ocean Vuong’s first poetry collection is titled for a “night sky” with the “exit” type of these features.
ANSWER: wounds [accept Emerald Wounds or Night Sky With Exit Wounds]
<JB, World Literature>

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