
A factory worker in this country becomes a scab to support his pregnant wife Maria in the play They Don’t Wear Black Tie. In a surrealist play from this country, Alaide obsesses over the mysterious Madame Clessi in fragmented memories while possibly undergoing surgery. A play from this country is titled for an action that Arandir does with a bus accident victim, which spawns a media frenzy. The plays The Wedding Dress and The Asphalt Kiss are from this country. A (*) populist theater movement from this country highlighted the roles of the “Joker” and of audience participants, (10[1])or “spect-actors.” A guitarist pines for his dead love in an all-black play from this country that adapts the Orpheus myth and was made into a 1959 musical film. For 10 points, name this home country of Nelson Rodrigues, where Augusto Boal led the Theatre of the Oppressed. ■END■

ANSWER: Brazil [or Federative Republic of Brazil or República Federativa do Brasil] (The play in the penultimate line is Orpheus of the Conception, which was adapted into the film Black Orpheus.)
<TM, World Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt JacksonLMM's LLM MLMBHSU B9610


TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%0%0%96.00