
This is the first concept in the title of a book that opens with an analysis of Aeschylus’s Eumenides and how the family became “a place of philia.” That book posits a “Transition-” type of this concept that avoids two flawed “roads” (15[1])in response to it. A work about this concept lists three “movements” that may distinguish between impulse and assent and a transition to “feritas.” This is the first title concept of a book that revises views about its (*) “justified and right” forms expressed in Upheavals of Thought. The title of a book by Martha Nussbaum pairs this concept with forgiveness, echoing a Roman philosopher who followed up his treatise on this concept with one “On Clemency.” Roman Stoics argued against the Peripatetic claim that this emotion provides motivation for courage. For 10 points, name this destructive emotion that titles a work by Seneca. ■END■

ANSWER: anger [accept On Anger or De Ira; accept Anger and Forgiveness; prompt on emotions or passions; prompt on synonyms like rage; prompt on revenge or vengeance]
<JK, Philosophy>
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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%100%0%41.00