
A cache of objects almost certainly from this modern-day country, as well as 2,000 brass rods, were found in Mauritania by Théodore Monod at the “wreck” site of Ma’adin Ijafen. A 14th-century account claims that this country is annually menaced by a lamp-filled ship that will land if its inhabitants abandon Islam. This country’s hawitta mounds date from before its conversion by a merchant possibly identical to the Somali saint (15[1])Aw Barkhadle. While serving under Queen (*) Khadijah in this country, Ibn Battuta was exasperated by its women’s custom of only wearing skirts. This country was the main source of objects used with horseshoe-shaped manilla bands as money in West Africa, cowrie shells. This country’s sultan Thakurufaanu patronized the Thaana script now used for its Dhivehi language. For 10 points, fishermen used dhoni boats to sail between the many atolls of what Indian Ocean country? ■END■

ANSWER: Maldives [or Republic of Maldives; accept Dhivehi Raajjeyge Jumhooriyyaa until “Dhivehi” is read]
<JB, World History>
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Nick JensenLMM's LLM MLMBHSU B6915


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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%100%0%69.00