
Animals that engage in this behavior exclusively host the parasitic ant species A. punctaticeps. The heavy zygomatic arch and small infraorbital foramen of bathyergids (“bathy-ERG-ids”) are adaptations that promote this behavior. Well-developed shoulder retractors and elbow flexors characterize animals that perform this behavior by using a “hook-and-pull” strategy. A rapid diversification of this behavior evident in the fossil record is linked to the Cambrian (*) substrate revolution. (10[1])The owl species A. cunicularia relies on animals that exhibit this behavior for its nests but, despite its common name, can’t perform it itself. Animals that engage in this behavior are distinguished by the elongation of the ulnar olecranon process and the distal phalanges, giving them robust forelimbs. For 10 points, name this characteristic behavior of fossorial mammals like naked mole rats and prairie dogs. ■END■

ANSWER: burrowing [or digging or hole-digging; or tunneling; accept mound-building; accept fossorial behavior until read; prompt on environmental engineering or ecosystem engineering]
<RH, Biology>
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Eric MukherjeeLMM's LLM MLMBHSU B6410


TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%0%0%64.00